World Environment Day 2022: What Year Was It First Celebrated?
World Environment Day 2022: What Year Was It First Celebrated?
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World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 to encourage people to protect the environment by taking action. This event is primarily sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Through individual engagement and community meetings, UNEP organises a variety of initiatives to raise awareness about how and why we should pay more attention to the environment.


Increasing resource exploitation and pollution are two of the most serious environmental challenges. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has designated June 5 as World Environment Day to ensure that people all across the world are aware of this.

History And Importance

The UN General Assembly established June 5 to be World Environment Day during the Stockholm Conference in 1972. It was the first time that a major environmental issue was brought up in a global conference. The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) was established in the same year. World Environment Day was first commemorated in 1973. The United Nations Environment Programme today has 193 member states, who are honouring the day with a variety of activities. The UNEP celebrates its 50th birthday this year.

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Theme and Host are two things that come to mind when thinking about a theme

Every year, a new country takes the reins of World Environment Day. Sweden will host the event this year. This country will host all formal gatherings. The “Only One Earth” theme will be used to honour the campaign.