USA engaged in strategic competition with China: the White House
USA engaged in strategic competition with China: the White House
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The Biden Administration sees the US as engaged in strategic competition with China and, the White House has said, technology is a central domain of it. “The United States is viewed by this administration as engaged in strategic competition with China, and new technologies is a central domain of that competition,”

Press Secretary Jen Psaki of the White House told reporters at her daily Friday news conference here. Psaki said that the goal of China is to undercut the long-standing technological advantage of America.

It is simply unacceptable to allow national security and economic consequences to happen, she said, adding that this is what President Joe Biden conveys in his talks with American partners and allies.

But this is a major reason why the President is committed to making major investments in research and development in science and technology, as well as in the security of the supply chain. In order to protect US national and economic security interests, we will leverage the full range of authorities at our disposal,” Psaki said.

China poses the single greatest geopolitical threat over the next one to the United States. “A warm embrace of China is one of the really disturbing trends we’ve seen with Biden nominee after Biden nominee,” he alleged.

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Senator Marsha Blackburn introduced amendments to the Chinese Communist Party’s counter-threat. Senate Amendment 140 will make available funds to counter Chinese espionage based on education and research.

The Biden administration recently indicated that it could provide amnesty for, or stop, researchers and scholars linked to China’s investigations.

One of the reasons they provided for this was that, she said, the investigations are expensive and resource-intensive.

The openness of the Biden administration to provide amnesty to Chinese Communist Party-linked researchers in the U.S. threatens our national security. Many of these researchers, while spying for the Communist Party, are stealing sensitive American technology and commercial secrets.

A lack of resources must not inhibit rooting out and investigating such threats,” Blackburn said.