NASA, 7100 Light, Bubble Nebula, Cassiopeia constellation,
NASA Posts A Stunning Image Of The 7,100 Light-Years-Away Bubble Nebula
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A new image of the cosmic bubble wrap known as the Bubble Nebula was just provided by NASA. Hubble, a space telescope operated by NASA, took the picture. The cosmic bubble wrap is located 7,100 light-years from Earth in the Cassiopeia constellation. Of all the star bubbles, the Bubble Nebula is the most well-known.
Approximately 4 million years old, the breathtaking vista of the cosmic bubble wrap will explode as a supernova in 10–20 million years.

NASA captioned the image, “7,100 light years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia lies the Bubble Nebula, a seven light-year-across nebula containing a star 45 times more massive than our own.”

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The author continues, “Gas atop the star becomes so hot that it escapes into space at a rate of 4 million miles per hour (6.4 million kilometres per hour); when the hot “stellar wind” meets the surrounding chilly space, it folds and creates an outer border.”

The description continued, “The dense columns of cool hydrogen gas and space dust may be seen in the upper left and centre of the photo.

The photograph captures this nebula in visible light and displays its magnificent colours, which are green for hydrogen, blue for oxygen, and red for nitrogen.

The image’s description from NASA reads, “Clouds that are yellow and gold in the top left corner of the image change to green as they approach space’s darkness. A bright pink star and yellow clouds surround the centre, which is surrounded by a blue and green bubble.”

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