China Launches, First Artificial Intelligence, Drone Carrier, South China Morning Post, Zhu Hai Yun, Science and Technology
China Launches First Artificial Intelligence Drone Carrier: Report
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According to The South China Morning Post, China launched a drone carrier with a one-of-a-kind artificial intelligence system on Wednesday, which includes dozens of aerial robots, ships, and submersibles for marine research and observation. The 88-meter-long, 14-meter-wide, and 6-meter-deep vessel can be remotely controlled or navigate independently in open water, and it can also build a network to observe targets and make a contribution to maritime security, according to the SCMP. According to the state-run Science and Technology Daily, the automatic vehicle ship, which can be controlled remotely and navigate autonomously in large bodies of water, will be a valuable tool for the nation’s maritime scientific research and observation.

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‘Zhu Hai Yun’ is the name given to this vessel. It can transport dozens of drone aircraft and unmanned watercraft at a speed of 18 knots. The Intelligent Mobile Ocean Stereo Observing System (IMOSOS) was developed by the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), also known as Sun Yat-sen University’s “Southern Ocean Laboratory.”

The carrier’s swarm of aerial robots, ships, and submersibles can be deployed in a designated sea area and behaviour “three-dimensional dynamic observations,” according to CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipping Co, which built the vessel.
According to the company, the vessel is expected to increase the effectiveness and level of ocean observation while also assisting in the development of better maritime scientific and technological talent and improving innovation.

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