A bleak depiction of Biden's dissatisfied America
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A bleak depiction of Biden’s dissatisfied America President Joe Biden frequently declares that America’s finest days are still to come. That’s just not how it feels right now.

A society weary by a two-year epidemic, suffering from rising food and gas prices, distracted by school closures, and ripped apart by a political divide that burst into violence is far from content.
A new survey released Thursday demonstrated diminishing trust in US elections and found that majority of the roughly 60 percent of Americans who disapprove of how Biden is conducting his presidency couldn’t name a single thing they liked about him. “He isn’t the real Donald Trump. That’s all there is to it “One disheartened responder stated. “I really enjoy his new cat, Willow Biden,” said another.

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On Thursday, it was also revealed that a crucial gauge of inflation had risen to a near-40-year high last month. Rising prices have a peculiar enchantment that not only frightens voters but also fosters the type of political psychosis that radicals like former President Donald Trump thrive on. His assault on facts, helped by a compliant right-wing media, has his supporters pining for his autocratic return to power 13 months after inciting the tragic insurgency at the US Capitol.
According to a recent study, 37 percent of Americans believe Biden did not lawfully receive enough votes to be elected president.
This bleak national attitude is basically a disaster waiting to happen for Democrats in the November midterm elections, but it’s been a long time coming.
The first two decades of the twenty-first century saw morale-shattering military setbacks, a generational economic catastrophe, and an era of political turbulence, involving vast social and demographic transformation and an equally severe backlash.

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Meanwhile, a Republican-led Senate filibuster is impeding Biden’s ability to save the country’s democracy from a rush of new legislation in GOP-led states that make it tougher to vote and easier to politicize election outcomes.
Trump has used the nation’s divisions to his political advantage. His claim that the previous election was stolen from him has captivated his supporters and turned Biden into an illegitimate leader in the eyes of millions of people – an impression that the President will be unable to erase.