Iranian Shah Reza Pahlavi's son is scheduled to travel to Israel
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Israel’s government announced on Sunday that the exiled son of the Iranian Shah, who was overthrown in the Islamic revolution of 1979, will visit Israel this week. They described him as the “most senior Iranian personality” to ever make a public visit to Israel.

Although they are now foes, Israel and Iran had closer connections when the Shah was supported by the US.

In a statement, Israel claimed that Reza Pahlavi’s visit was intended to “build a bridge between Israel and the Iranian people and express shared opposition to the Ayatollah regime.”

Pahlavi was quoted in the Israeli release as saying, “A democratic Iran will seek to renew its ties with Israel and our Arab neighbours.” That day, in my opinion, is becoming closer by the day.

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Pahlavi will attend Israel’s formal Holocaust memorial service while he is there.