Covid-19: Canadians are being advised not to travel abroad in the wake of the Omicron threat
Covid-19: Canadians are being advised not to travel abroad in the wake of the Omicron threat
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The Canadian government said on Wednesday that the Covid-19 Omicron variant “makes us dread the worst,” including skyrocketing infections and travel disruptions, and that residents should avoid international travel over the Christmas holidays.

The travel recommendation will be re-evaluated in four weeks, but officials said that if the pandemic situation worsens, public health restrictions could be implemented in the meantime.

Dr. Lisa Barrett, an infectious diseases specialist, discusses why governments should not wait to impose limitations as omicron spreads across the country and how more widespread use of quick antigen tests can assist.

During a press conference, health minister Jean-Yves Duclos stated, “Our government has issued an official advisory to Canadians to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada.”

“Those who intend to go, I strongly advise you not to do so at this time. We are concerned about the rapid global proliferation of the Covid version “He expressed himself.

“Canadians who are travelling overseas risk contracting the illness or becoming stuck.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recommended sealing the border at an emergency meeting late Tuesday, but provincial leaders overwhelmingly rejected the proposal, according to an AFP source.

Covid-19 testing at Canadian airports will be expanded, according to Duclos, and further public health safeguards will be implemented in the following days.

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“There will undoubtedly be additional public health measures (coming),” Duclos said, adding that the situation will continue to evolve.

“The epidemiological condition is rapidly shifting. Even without considering the novel Omicron variety, the data now available implies a large resurgence of infections “he stated.

All inbound passengers to Canada were compelled to quarantine for 14 days last year at this time.

The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a warning on Tuesday that Omicron variant infections were increasing at breakneck speed and urged countries to take immediate steps to try to stem the spread.

As of Wednesday, there were 40,000 active Covid-19 cases in Canada, with at least 4,500 new infections reported by public health authorities