WHO senior advisor, Bruce Aylward, Blood on Your Hands, Addressing Covid, COVID-19, WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, U.S., President Joe Biden
WHO: "Blood on Your Hands" If the World Delays Addressing Covid Now
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Because of the greater likelihood that those who are infected would unintentionally disseminate the virus far and wide, the longer a virus can reproduce within a person before exhibiting symptoms, the more difficult it can be to eradicate. The incubation time of Covid-19 is among its harmful characteristics; it is greater than that of many other respiratory viral illnesses, such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and rhinovirus. The good news is that it seems like there is less time passing between exposure and the onset of symptoms. Researchers from Peking University and Tsinghua University in Beijing examined information from more than 140 research to assess the length of time that various strains of SARS-CoV-2 take to incubate Covid. According to a study that was released on Monday in the journal JAMA Network Open, it decreased from an average duration of five days with an alpha infection to 3.42 days with omicron.

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The severity of the sickness and varying incubation times across age groups were also noted by the researchers.

According to Wannian Liang and colleagues, “the results of our investigation imply that SARS-CoV-2 has evolved and mutated continually throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, yielding variants with different improved transmission and pathogenicity.” “One of the most important factors in figuring out the isolation period is identifying the gestation period of various variations.”

The results are crucial for regions like China and Hong Kong, which uphold a Covid Zero policy meant to promptly eradicate any traces of the infection. All affected individuals and foreign travellers are required to isolate throughout the possible incubation period in order to stop the spread of the illness to others.

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In an effort to boost their economy, China and Hong Kong recently shortened the duration of quarantine for newcomers.