Prince Albert of Monaco says President Trump should be
Prince Albert of Monaco says President Trump should be "Be Held Accountable" for the Capitol Siege
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The Monégasque monarch, Prince Albert, spoke out on Wednesday against President Trump and the pro-Trump mob’s siege of the Capitol building.

He revealed how he felt while watching a live broadcast of the insurrection, Speaking to People, and discussed how he thought the U.S. should respond to the unprecedented event.

I was up at our stately home, Roc Agel, so there it was-live from the street corners of Washington-as soon as I put on the news before going to bed,”I was up at our stately home, Roc Agel, so as soon as I put on the news before going to bed, there it was—live from the street corners of Washington,” “It’s just amazing. I’m still in shock, but at the same moment, I’m not truly shocked because, unfortunately, this is where we were heading.”

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“My immediate reaction was shock. My wife had already retired and I told her afterward, “My immediate reaction was shock. My wife had already decided to retire, and afterwards I told her, “It was shock and horror and then it kind of quickly turned into disgust, really. But there was also anger at how this could have happened and how President Trump fuelled it.

“He added, “Not only in the U.S. but in contemporary global history, it is a very dark time: a president still in office who has sparked a revolt like this, directly and indirectly. ” I agree with those who have said that President Trump must be held responsible for this… It’s a big change in mentality and a shift in values.”This vast adherence to these theories, this blind following of someone who is clearly not well, who is delirious. How we got to this point is what troubles me.

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Albert worries that it’s going to take a while before the U.S. can really recover. ” It will, I fear, have to go well beyond the mandate of President Biden. It is probably a generation’s job to try to return to some fundamental values of decency and to restore compliance with the rules governing any law-abiding country.