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Rishi Sunak, a candidate for prime minister of Britain, stated that he wants to alter the relationship between the UK and India to enable simple access for UK students and businesses in India.
The former chancellor greeted the mostly British Indian crowd during a campaign hustings event held by the Conservative Friends of India (CFIN) diaspora organization on Monday night in north London with a mixture of traditional welcomes like “namaste, salaam, khem cho, and kidda.”
He even broke into Hindi, saying, “You guys are my family,” in that language. “The importance of the UK-India relationship is well known. We stand for the dynamic link connecting our two nations “In answer to a query from CFIN co-chair Reena Ranger regarding bilateral ties, he stated.
We are all well aware of the potential for the UK to conduct business and sell goods in India, but, he continued, “we need to view that relationship differently because there is a great deal that we in the UK can learn from India.
It’s not just a one-way relationship, it’s a two-way relationship, and that’s the kind of change I want to make to that relationship, he said. “I want to make sure that it’s easy for our teenagers to also travel to India and learn, that it’s also easy for our industries and Indian companies to work together,” he said.
Regarding China, the former minister reaffirmed his position that the UK’s defenses against its aggression must be “extremely tough.”
The former minister made a dramatic entrance at the Dhamecha Lohana Centre in Harrow to dhol beats and thunderous applause. After speaking briefly, he spent hours mingling with hundreds of Tory members who had lined up to shake his hand.
Elderly people in the throng showered him with blessings, some gave him pats on the back, and eight-year-old Tanish Sahu took a particular photo of Mr. Sunak carrying him.
A set of gold-plated deities were presented by Amita Mishra, a trustee for the Shree Jagannatha Society UK who traveled all the way from India.
The deities were presented to Mr. Sunak on stage as Mishra declared, “We are working on establishing a Jagannath Temple in London and this gift is a special benediction all the way from India.” Mishra was joined by a pandit who chanted a victory shloka from the “Bhagavad Gita.”
In stark contrast, a British Sikh Tory party member stood in line for hours to have Mr. Sunak autograph a special bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey, despite the fact that both he and the former Chancellor abstain from alcohol.